Published June 25. 2016 09:03AM
The Carbon County Firemen's Association provided funding for a Bucks County Community College training program titled Pumps 1.
This program serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of fire pump operations, friction loss, hydraulic formula used to calculate fire ground flows, fire pump testing and maintenance. The program was hosted by the Nesquehoning Hose Company and the fieldwork was held at the KME plant.Participants gained useful knowledge from the instructor Mike Kitsock.A rare opportunity was afforded the class when a vintage 1953 GMC/Luverne engine (privately owned) was pumped alongside a 2010 KME engine.The Nesquehoning Water Authority granted permission to allow the use of the town's water system along with KME allowing the use of the pump drafting pits, which provided adequate training for the firemen present re-creating live firefighting scenarios in the training program."Since we do not have a county training facility, we must be creative in finding adequate places to provide training sources for the class similar to this one," said John McArdle, association president.
Volunteer firefighters participate in a training program on fire pumps at the KME plant in Nesquehoning. Crews practiced with a vintage 1953 GMC/Luverne engine, right, and a 2010 KME engine, left. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO