Lehighton construction on track
School's out for summer and construction projects in Lehighton Area School District are kicking into high gear.
A nearly $26 million renovation project to the middle and high schools is just over 25 percent complete, Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver said at a workshop this month.The second phase of classroom renovations is underway at the middle school and ceiling grid installation has started.Existing heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment was removed to make room for a four-pipe central heat pump system from the McClure Company.Because it's an energy savings, or ESCO, project, McClure is guaranteeing the district over $80,000 per year in utility savings.It also guarantees that any change orders during the installation are not the financial responsibility of the district.Roof replacement at the middle school was also scheduled for last week.At the high school, which is getting the same type of HVAC system, the exterior sheathing replacement is complete for the gym and auditorium wings, while facade demolition is underway for the classroom wings.According to a report from Quandel Construction, the construction management firm working for the district, HVAC rough-ins are underway as part of the second phase of classroom renovations.One of the alternates added to the high school project was a new high school fitness center, wrestling room and auxiliary gymnasium.The foundation for the center was installed and structural steel erection began last week.Renovations to the existing administration area have started with demolition.StadiumThe district received its occupancy permit for the new athletic stadium on May 27, the day high school graduation was held in the facility.One of the final items for the $6.3 million project, a resurfacing of the track, was expected to be completed by the end of last week."We were actually just waiting to get the lines striped," Cleaver said. "Then we can begin using the stadium for summer workouts. There is an upcoming football and field hockey camp scheduled. The kids and coaches are really excited to get started."Allentown-based CSI is installing a security system at the complex.Even with the track being locked during the resurfacing project, several people got in and Cleaver hopes the security system will help end trespassing."When we just had the old track there, you could see it from Mahoning Street, Union Street and the administration building," said Lehighton Business Manager Brian Feick."Now the field house and bleachers block the view and we need the cameras to see what's going on. It will cover the field, bleachers, field house; the whole complex."Elementary centerA tentative schedule for Lehighton's proposed elementary center has been set.According to Cleaver, Quandel officials are reviewing the final set of construction documents.If the schedule holds, bids for the estimated $32.5 million project will be opened on July 20."The district has received its stormwater permits and if we learned anything from the stadium project, that is the one that takes the longest," Cleaver said. "We're also updating easements for some of the utility lines."The school is planned for district property just north of the high school and would house all K-5 students. Four existing elementary schools including Shull-David, Franklin, Mahoning and East Penn would close and the district would look to sell or lease the property.