Published May 25. 2016 04:01PM
Rooftop heat pump air handling unit replacements at one of its elementary schools could cost Northern Lehigh School District nearly $150,000.
Three companies submitted bids to the district on Monday for the work at Peter's Elementary School, with JBM Mechanical of Nazareth turning in the apparent low bid of $149,000.That proposal was $10,700 less than the next lowest bid of $159,700 turned in by Spotts Brothers of Schuylkill Haven and $59,500 less than the $208,500 bid submitted by Worth and Company Inc., of Pipersville.Work will include replacement of three existing rooftop heat pump air handling units with similar, new units, as well as curb replacements and reconnections to the associated, existing, piping, ductwork and electrical systems.The new unit controls will be extended to the existing building automation system.In April, the board agreed to have administration seek bids on the replacement of the three rooftop sections on the school's gym roof.The project is budgeted in the district's 2016-17 general fund budget.Also at that time, the board authorized administration to enter into a contract with Snyder Hoffman and Associates to design, engineer and assist with the bidding of the replacement of the three rooftop units on the Peters gym roof not to exceed $5,980.Greg Derr, director of support services and transportation, said the three units on the gym roof are more than 20 years old and are at the end of their life cycle and need to be replaced.Peters Elementary was constructed in Friedens in 1954.