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Lansford details chief settlement

Lansford Council faced questions Wednesday night over a recently settled lawsuit between the borough and former police chief John Turcmanovich, who now serves on council.

Residents Patricia Whalen and Mary Soberick, a former councilwoman, asked Turcmanovich how much he got in the settlement."We all know he was looking for an extra amount, so what was it?" Soberick said.Rose Mary Cannon replied that the settlement added $700 per month to Turcmanovich's retirement pension, and that it would be applied retroactively two years, to the time when Turcmanovich retired from the department.Cannon added that the case cost the borough $50,000 in legal fees.The borough has found a new secretary, while borough council continues to look for another police officer.Borough council voted 6-0 Wednesday night to hire a new secretary.Council is holding off on releasing the name until the candidate gives notice.Council reviewed four of the seven applications received for the position."All four had individual qualities which would have been a benefit to the borough," councilwoman Rose Mary Cannon said.Until the new secretary can start, an official who recently resigned from the borough will return as a consultant. Mary T. Fittos, who resigned as secretary last month, will assist the borough at a rate of $25. Borough council capped the amount of hours Fittos can work - five every two weeks, for a maximum of six weeks.They also agreed to promote Jill Siegendall to borough office manager. The change does not include an increase in salary.Meanwhile, council elected to once again seek applicants for a vacant full-time patrolman's position in the police department.The borough recently took applications for the job, and hired two new full-time patrol officers.But one of the candidates turned down the position. A vote to appoint a third candidate to the position on Monday failed by a 2-3 vote.