Postal workers rally around Lansford co-worker
Walking is reportedly one of the best things you can do for your health, and postal workers walk miles every day. So, it stands to reason they should be healthy.
That, unfortunately, is not always the case as letter carrier Michelle Hermany has recently been diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of cancer, also known as non-Hodgkin's T cell lymphoma.Michelle, wife of Jason Hermany, is a Lansford letter carrier who resides in Tamaqua. Michelle's position with the postal service (City Carrier Assistant) does not receive health benefits.She loves music, reading, roller skating and spending as much time as she can with her dogs and is using her faith, sense of humor and a strong positive attitude to fight her disease."Even though I am fighting this battle I'm trying not to be angry, bitter or selfish. Being kind and caring to others is still very important to me. I believe everyone is fighting their own battles in life, whatever it may be," says Hermany, who has already undergone her first round of treatments and chemotherapy.Friend and fellow Lansford letter carrier Kim Day says, "Hermany is a very hard worker and a great friend to all of us. She will beat this."Day, along with Terra Bradford of Tamaqua, started organizing a benefit to be held at the West Penn Fire Company, 21 Municipal Road, New Ringgold. The benefit will be May 13 from 7-11:30 p.m. and will include a bake sale, Chinese auction and basket raffles. A $10 donation will be collected at the door and the kitchen will be selling food. You can also bring your own bottle. Musical entertainment will be provided by the band Bounty Hunter.Those wishing to contribute can make checks out to Kim Day or contact Day at any time at 570-657-6183. Donations may also be dropped off at the Lansford Post Office.Those who organized the fundraiser would like to thank all the businesses, friends and family for their donations and support. Lansford Postmaster Cheryl Kistler said, "Michelle has always been there for us no matter what. Since day one she's brought an amazing spirit to our office. We will fight this battle with her every step of the way."Hermany said, "At the end of the day, all you need is hope and strength. Hope that it will get better and strength to hold on until it does. Life is short; enjoy the hell out of it. Right now beating cancer is my main goal. One day at a time, one treatment at a time."