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West Penn considers crime watch group

A crime watch group is being discussed in West Penn Township.

That's after several residents voiced concerns to the township's board of supervisors on Monday about crimes they say have occurred.Resident Jamie Schellhammer, who owns Innovative Displays located along West Penn Pike, said he believes the township's police department needs to do a better job alerting residents of what's taking place in the township."Not many people know what goes on in the township," Schellhammer said. "It's just very frustrating."Schellhammer said he recently had a window shot out in his new building."I just don't feel safe anymore," he said.Schellhammer then asked if the township had considered the formation of a crime watch.Supervisor Anthony Prudenti said a prior attempt to start up such a group came up short.When asked by Prudenti if he would be willing to be a part of the group, Schellhammer said he would.Resident Gary Steigerwalt said he would also be on board with the group."I think we have to make an attempt with a crime watch," Steigerwalt said.