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Chestnuthill supervisors honor longtime constables

Grace and Bill Marks have been constables in Chestnuthill Township for the past 25 years. But according to supervisor Chris Eckert, they are much more.

"In many ways the Markses have been the glue that holds this township together," Eckert said. "When we lost Dave Fleetwood in that tragedy, they stepped in, and while we were reeling and trying to recover and make arrangements, the Markses kept the township going. I could never thank them enough."Eckert presented the couple with plaques to memorialize their public service.Grace Marks thanked the township on behalf of herself and her husband.The supervisors also appointed Joann Davidson to replace auditor Kathy Lutz. Lutz resigned because she moved out of the township. Davidson will serve until the next general election.

Bill Marks, Vice Chairman Chris Eckert, Supervisor Harry Miller, Chairman Chuck Gould and Grace Marks. Bill and Grace Marks were honored for their 25 years of service as constables in the township. JUDY DOLGOS-KRAMER/TIMES NEWS