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Council hires Weissport's first female police officer

Weissport Borough Council on Monday night hired the community's first female police officer.

The town only has a one-person, part-time police department.Denna Krammes of Orwigsburg will be paid $16 per hour.The council said she will work on an "as-needed basis."Krammes was hired following a 20-minute executive meeting of the council to discuss personnel.They then announced that Richton Penn, who had been the police officer for the borough since March 16, 2015, has resigned effective immediately.In other business:• Jillyan Sterling, the borough's part-time secretary/treasurer, informed the borough she received full-time employment elsewhere and will only be serving the town until a replacement is found.The borough has advertised for a replacement, but so far no applications have been received.The successful applicant must be bondable and able to work independently.Resumes or letters of interest can be submitted to the council.• The borough was informed that it received its 2016 allocation of Liquid Fuels Funds. A total of $11,903.25 was deposited in the borough's account.• A blood drive will be conducted at the borough park from 1-6 p.m. June 10.The next council meeting will be held at 7

p.m.May 16 at the borough hall.