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Friends of Lansford Pool established

The Lansford Recreation Commission has announced the formation of an organization geared toward assisting with the raising of funds to renovate the Lansford Pool Complex.

The Friends of the Lansford Pool are tasked with the job of raising necessary funds to procure a total restoration. This committee will be working to ensure the pool is a viable asset for the communities of the Panther Valley for decades to come.At an April 21 organizational meeting, officers of the Friends of the Lansford Pool were elected. They are: Nathan Halenar, Summit Hill, chairman; Kevin Collevechio, Lansford, vice chairman; Sherry Shellhammer, Lansford, secretary; and tri-treasurers are Brittany Collevechio, Rosie Kopp and Mary Ann Krajnak, all of Lansford.Community members are asked to join the officers and members of the committee at its next meeting to be held at 6 p.m. Mondayin the Lansford Borough Hall. Anyone with questions or concerns should feel free to contact Halenar at 484-629-5833.