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Cruz rally a mix of strong supporters, undecideds and anti-Trump

Fervent supporters, undecideds and anti-Donald Trump voters made up those attending Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz's Scranton campaign rally on Friday.

Taylor Teed, 20, of Vestal, New York, a student at King's College in Wilkes-Barre studying pre-law and political science, supports Cruz, a U.S. senator from Texas, because she likes his positions, particularly on taxes and immigration - and because she can't stomach billionaire businessman Donald Trump.

If Trump were to win the GOP nomination, Teed said she would consider voting for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - assuming she wins the Democratic nomination - if it came down to a close race in the general election between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump. But if that race were not close, Teed said she would vote for an independent.

"I would not support Donald Trump. I would support anyone over Donald Trump," Teed said. "I do have that much dislike for Donald Trump ... he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's very insulting."

A Luzerne County family expressed unwavering support for Cruz because they believe he is the only GOP candidate who would preserve religious liberty. Brice Conklin and his daughter, Cindy Jensen, both of Wapwallopen, and her son, Sam Jensen, and his 4-year-old son, Brice Jensen, both of Nescopeck, called themselves four generations of Christian conservatives for Cruz.

"I want my little guy to get a look at maybe our last great American hero," Jensen said, referring to Cruz.

Jensen hopes that by supporting Cruz, she, her father and son - three generations - can preserve for Brice Jensen - the fourth generation - values of conservative Christians and the ability and right to choose to be one.

They would not support Trump if he wins the GOP nomination. But they also would never vote for a Democrat. If Trump wins the GOP contest, they said they would cast write-in votes for Cruz.

Stuart Levine, 65, of Levittown said he had been lifelong Democrat but switched to the GOP a few months ago because he believes the Democratic party has abandoned the working middle class. Levine went into Cruz's rally undecided and came out the same way. Levine said he has concerns about Cruz's position on moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel, and said Cruz never addresses public transportation issues.

"I'm undecided among all three of them," Levine said of Cruz, Trump and John Kasich.

Brian Fox, 20, of Tannersville, said he came to the rally because he "supports Mr. Cruz and the Constitution."

"He's going to cut taxes and he understands my values," Fox said.

Would Fox support Trump in the general election if he beats Cruz for the GOP nod?

"I'll have to think about it," Fox said.