Church members reflect on Last Supper
Every two years, Effort United Methodist Church holds a rendition of "The Last Supper."
The one-and-a-half hour performance, which received a standing ovation, was hosted by Mike and Ruthann Harvey on behalf of Power in Praise Productions (in association with Gethsemane Ministries). Performers are members and friends ofthe Effort church.Vocalists were Mike Harvey, Ruthann Harvey, Linda Hrichak, Aleisa Kinsey, Bob Kinsey, JeNell Mertz and Shanna Mills. Mike Hrichak played drums, Kinsey played guitar and Ruthann Harvey played piano.Guests entering the church were greeted by ushers Brenda Davis, Beth Shields and Cathy Wells, all in wardrobe as Mary, Jesus's mother.Sound was orchestrated by Rocky Johnson and Mark Wells. Pam Borger was the staff's disciples assistant.Narrator Bob Decker set the stage for this thought-provoking musical drama.The setting is Jerusalem, the Gospel is Luke, and so the story began.It's A.D. 30 and Jesus Christ and his disciples travel across Jerusalem in preparation for the Passover.He sends Peter and John to make preparations. They find the man Jesus tells them of and prepare the room.Disciples were Greg Perlman, Mark Chanderdett, Mike Jochen, William Milburn, Gabriel Everett, Ron Wichman, Billy Milburn, Wayne Wylie, Bryan Borger, Chad Zamorsky, Rodney "Butch" Everett and Danny DeMaio. Dakota "Cody" Everett played Jesus.As the story continued, "The timid, the tax collector, the doubtful, the fanatical, the uncommitted and the follower," after meeting Jesus, became "the involved, a giver, a believer, the devoted, the recommitted and a leader."In the final scene, just hours away from his crucifixion, Jesus cleanses the feet of his disciples, then passes around the bread and the wine.The narrator's final words are those spoken by Jesus.Judas leaves the table with 30 pieces of silver, his reward for betraying Christ Jesus.A complete stillness and darkness empties the room as the realityconnects with the audience.In the words of Pastor Ken Edwards, "The reason everyone here is feeling something remarkable is because the Holy Spirit that lives within us makes this possible.""This performance provided me with 'great insight.'It filled me with goodness at a time I need it the most, said longtime church member Anthony Walker of Albrightsville. "You see, I'm now battling cancer."Power in Praise is a nonprofit association. To host this presentation at your local church, contact