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Police: Ex-trooper kills 2 in turnpike holdup, is shot dead

FORT LITTLETON, Pa. (AP) - Authorities say a retired Pennsylvania state trooper killed a turnpike toll collector and a guard in a holdup attempt at a toll plaza and then was shot dead by troopers while trying to escape with money.

Police say Clarence Briggs confronted two turnpike toll collectors with a handgun Sunday morning at the Fort Littleton toll plaza, about 65 miles west of Harrisburg.

They say Briggs killed toll collector Danny Crouse and security guard Ronald Heist and then fled in a collection vehicle and started unloading money into his car. They say he was killed in an exchange of gunfire with arriving troopers.

Crouse had been on the job for less than three months.

Briggs retired in January 2012 after 26 years with an honorable discharge.