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Crime watch

West End Crime Watch will meet from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday at the Chestnuthill Township Park Building, one mile north of Wawa on Route 715.

A self-defense attorney and a retired Pennsylvania State Police trooper from U.S. Law Shield of Pennsylvania discuss will interfacing with police, self-defense and basic laws for carrying and transporting firearms.Topics will cover the "Castle Doctrine" and how "Stand Your Ground" applies in Pennsylvania.A question-and-answer session will follow and opportunities for future training and instruction will be offered by an NRA certified instructor. Attendees will also receive a booklet on self-defense laws.Online registration is not required, but will save time so you do not have to register at the event.To register go to

http://go2url.biz/crimewatch and fill out the form. If you have any questions or suggestions, visit the Facebook page Crime Watch West End Monroe PA, message Teri VanBritsom Flowers on Facebook or call her at 570-236-4272.