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'Civil Rights' versus Responsible Citizenry

Ever since its inception, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has just been an entitlement program for "minorities."

Had it been named the "Responsible Rights Act," the following would have been written into it. "You have the right and responsibility": to get an education; to get a job; to maintain a state of positive morality; learn accurate American history; to become politically knowledgeable and vote responsibly; not to depend upon the government for handouts, but to work with your own hands; maintain a proper family - husband, wife, children; and to help your neighbor in need. To become morally, ethically, mentally and physically sober and become a productive citizen. If you are an immigrant, to go through the proper channels to become an American citizen and adapt into the American culture.You also have the moral responsibility to learn and understand how liberals, aka Democrats, socialists, progressives, communists (all the very same thing) have ruined the strength and backbone of this nation by "political correctness," revisionist history, minority dependency-creating entitlements, dumbing down our educational system, removing God from society. Liberals actually want to be your god, so all their efforts listed above are aimed at your not being able to think and act for yourself. Has anyone ever gotten a truthful answer from a liberal when asked what their ultimate goal is for our nation? And how close they are in actually achieving it?When I meet someone from Eastern Europe, I ask them why did they come to this nation? To escape intolerable inhumane living and political conditions in their home country. For the life of them, they cannot understand why America wants to try the same politically failed system that drove them out of their country into ours. They chose to come to the most free nation on the earth and it saddens them to see it go the way of their homeland. Where else can they go?So what is the solution to the current American morass? Reread the above and follow through with knowing who, what and why during the elections, voting in the people who have only the best interests and desires in restoring our nation to the moral character it once was.Scotty MorrisonLehighton