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Monroe County approves 911 text feature

Beginning March 1, residents and visitors to Monroe County will be able to send emergency text messages to the 911 Control Center. Gary Hoffman, Director of Communication for the agency, announced on Tuesday morning that the county had recently updated its phone system so that it will now be able to receive and transmit emergency text messaging.

"While this technology is available, it should be considered a second option after a voice call in emergencies," Hoffman said. "The most important rule of thumb is that emergency voice calls to 911 are the best way to contact us for help because voice calls take the least amount of time, unless you have a speech disability."A text message to 911 works the same as a call in that the number remains the same. Unfortunately, it is important to remember that texts do not always arrive in "real time," and dispatchers must type their responses, both of which may add delays in what could be a life-or-death situation.On the other hand, for some people with disabilities, texting to 911 opens up a much greater chance of reaching help and getting a faster result.Hoffman said that if you can call, you should call."With a phone call we can get to within a few yards of a person, just from the call," he said. "Texting will only get us to the area of where the call is coming from."The agency also pointed out that the 911 text feature, like the calling feature, is only for emergency situations and not for nonemergencies.Hoffman also reminds everyone to never text and drive.