Published February 05. 2016 04:00PM
The Palmerton Area Democratic Club will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesdayat the home of Kathy and Charles Fallow, 365 Edgemont Ave., Palmerton.
A pot luck dinner will be followed at 7 p.m. by the monthly meeting.The topic will be "Issues Facing Palmerton," featuring a discussion with Palmerton Mayor Chris Olivia, Palmerton Borough Council President Terry Costenbader and Vice President Kris Hoffner, about what's happening in the borough.There also will be an opportunity to sign petitions for Democratic candidates seeking office in the primary on April 26.The club collects canned goods at each meeting for the Community Action Council of Palmerton Area Churches food bank.The area covered by the Club includes Palmerton, Bowmanstown, Towamensing Township and Lower Towamensing Township.Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, from September to May, with the location to be announced.Annual dues are $1 per year, and are due Jan. 1. Newcomers are welcome.To reserve for the pot luck, contact Kathy Fallow at, or 301-404-2224, by Sunday.