Published January 23. 2016 09:00AM
For the past few weeks we have read about the discussion of Sunday sports at the Tamaqua Area School District. This week a vote was taken and unfortunately the vote passed allowing the participation of our athletes at a wrestling competition at Parkland High School. Two members of the board voting against the move were President Larry Wittig and member Eileen Meiser.
As a past member and president of the board along with the fellow board members and administration almost 20 years ago we also discussed this issue. Although not brought up for a vote we did agree Sunday sports would not be allowed. This new issue must have been a tough decision due to the fact the event was not hosted by Tamaqua Area but our athletes were participating.For the past seven years we have witnessed the moral fabric of our nation being shredded and destroyed.It has become a nation where anything and everything goes. All at the hands of the disgrace we have in the Oval Office and Congress itself.Larry and Eileen, I praise you for your stance on morality and your fight to maintain our moral fabric. Every little thread helps. One thing you might want to ask yourselves: Where is the Tamaqua Ministerial Association on this issue? Or perhaps they have taken the liberal path as well. I guess it is the hip thing to do.God Bless you, Larry and Eileen, you are our saints.Larry NeffWest Penn township