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CCEDC works to improve manufacturer experience

So many articles have been written over the past month looking back at 2015 and what was accomplished by a business or organization it makes you feel positively nostalgic.

I prefer to look forward to the opportunities the New Year will bring and the Carbon Chamber and Economic Development Corp. certainly has an exciting year planned.CCEDC has partnered with our three neighboring counties of Monroe, Pike and Wayne to produce an economic development magazine which highlights the Poconos region and the benefits of locating a business here.As part of this recruiting initiative we will be attending the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg to meet one-on-one with companies and educate them on the benefits of relocating to our area.The Manufacturer's Advisory Board is a brand new initiative that we are beginning this year.The purpose of this group will be to give Carbon County manufacturers (of which there are over 55) the opportunity to set their own course on what they need to make their businesses even more successful.Whether it is training programs for staff and employees, marketing or providing information on important legislative issues that affect their business, this group will be focused on helping our manufacturers become more successful.Working in conjunction with the Manufacturer's Resource Center we are helping to promote the "What's So Cool about Manufacturing" video contest.Local manufacturers are strapped and looking to hire competent employees to fill job openings.This contest is aimed at educating students, parents and teachers on the amazing opportunities in manufacturing and that this field requires more specialized skills and training that they may have realized.Five of the school districts in Carbon County including CCTI will be taking part in this third annual contest competing against schools from Lehigh, Northampton and Schuylkill counties. Stay tuned for more information on the date when online voting opens and supports our schools.The Business Education Partnership, a committee of the CCEDC, has received a grant to work with our local school districts to facilitate an educator in the workplace program.This program will help teachers learn what career opportunities are available to students by "shadowing" businesses in Carbon County and bringing that knowledge back to their classrooms.The teachers will be able to inform their students and parents on the options students have available to them for a successful career and what steps they need to take in order to prepare themselves for the workforce whether it is a four year college degree, post-secondary trade school or a certificate of completion.CCEDC is also certified to underwrite Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority loans as well as our local low interest business loan packages that can be used for purchasing machinery and equipment, construction projects or even working capital and lines of credit.2016 has the makings of being the best year yet for all of Carbon County and can be for your business also. To learn more about these exciting programs call 610-379-5000 or visit
