Tamaqua school board
Tamaqua Area School Board on Tuesday approved the 2016-17 Schuylkill Technology Center Budget. The board approved the measure on a 6-0 vote, with directors Thomas Rottet, Mark Rother, and Aaron Frantz absent.
Other actionIn other business, the board:• Approved the resignation of Lisa Edmonds as a full-time custodian, effective Dec. 23, 2015.• Approved Maria Kopp as a full-time custodian, Child Rearing Leave, to begin after using personal and sick days Jan. 15, and returning June 1.• Approved the resignation of Malerie Wagner, speech and language therapist, effective at a date agreed upon with the superintendent. The board also rescinded a motion of Aug. 19, 2015, approving Wagner, speech and language therapist, as a professional employee.• Approved the resignation of Ellen Krajcir, RPT speech and language therapist, effective at a date agreed upon with the superintendent.• Agreed to remove Mary Jane Kistler from the substitute secretary list.• Agreed to remove Megan Hahner from the professional substitute teacher list.• Agreed to remove Bonita Campbell from the professional substitute guest teacher list.• Agreed to remove Aleida VanBuren as a part-time paraprofessional.• Approved Barbara Acker as the ACCESS Billing Coordinator for the 2015-16 school year, at a salary of $5,000 prorated, to begin at a date agreed upon with the business manager.• Approved Noelle Nicholas, elementary teacher, to begin a maternity leave on or about Feb. 18, using sick and personal days and to transition into a family and medical leave to continue to the end of the 2015-16 school year, returning to work for in-service at the beginning of the 2016-17 school year.• Approved Amanda Hascin, high school teacher, to begin a maternity leave on or about March 11, using 20 sick days and transition into a family and medical leave, returning to work on or about May 13.• Approved an unpaid day for Carla Keller, middle school teacher, Dec. 22.• Approved the repository sale of a parcel located at 153½ Penn St. Tamaqua, for $800.• Approved the Ski Club out-of-state trip to Killington, Vermont, with noon early dismissal Feb. 19, and return Feb. 21. Students will write a letter on the educational merit of the trip.• Approved an agreement with George's Transportation for the Tamaqua Ski Club to Blue Mountain Ski Lodge, Jan. 22, Jan. 29, Feb. 5, Feb. 12, Feb. 26, and March 4, at the rate of $900 per day. The first two weeks must be paid in advance, and billing will follow every two weeks.• Approved and adopted the second reading of policies related to school district facility use procedure, as well as public attendance at school events.• Approved the memorandum of understanding with Penn State University, Hazleton, and Tamaqua Area High School, for the purpose of conducting an Introduction to Engineering and Design, starting Jan. 12, and ending May 5, at a cost of $5,676.