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Keystone Karate competes, helps Toys for Tots

They won awards, collected toys and raised money for those less fortunate.

It tuns out Keystone Karate's involvement at the 2015 Toys for Tots Karate Tournament held recently at Camelback was yet another rousing success for the Lehighton-based school.All told, 17 team members took part in the event, and garnered a total of 14 medals, five gold, four silver and five bronze, according to head instructor Dave Scott, who himself earned a pair of medals.Scott said the school collected 30 toys and raised over $800 for the Toys for Tots.Overall, the event raised over $7,000, and collected nearly 300 unwrapped toys, he said.The following team members medaled:• Head instructor Dave Scott, first in forms, second in weapons• Makayla Scott, second in weapons• Jordan Mann, first in weapons, second in forms• Sean Wall, first in forms• Ella Sittler, first in forms, second in sparring, third in weapons• Autumn Sittler, second in forms• Sebastian Hunsicker, third in weapons, third in forms• David Liebhaber, first in forms, third in weapons• Timmy Hillanbrand, third in weapons• Rachel Gruber, runner-up• Caroline Metro, runner-up• Nathan Zhu, runner-up• Mike Krauchik, runner-up• Joey Krauchik, runner-up• Jordyn Keegan, runner-up• Jonathan Hillanbrand, runner-up• Ricky Bower, runner-up

Keystone Karate in Lehighton participated in the 2015 Toys for Tots Karate Tournament held recently at Camelback. Team members pictured include front, from left: Caroline Metro, Autumn Sittler, Nathan Zhu, Ella Sittler and Jordyn Keegan. Back: Ricky Bower, Jordan Mann, Rachel Gruber, head instructor Dave Scott, Sebastian Hunsicker and Makayla Scott. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS