Lehighton news
Trinity Happenings
Sunday worship services with Holy Communion at Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. Third St., are at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Gluten-free wafers are available for those with allergies. The Rev. Nancy L. Moore presides. Coffeehouse fellowship is at 9:30 a.m.Sunday school for students age 3 through grade six begin at 9:45 a.m.For those desiring a baptism date or seeking new congregational membership, informational sessions with the pastor will be available by appointment this month. Church phone 610-377-4303.Trinity extends an invitation to attend the Christmas Eve worship services at 6 and 9 p.m.; 6 p.m., family worship with Holy Communion, music provided by the Trinity Praise Band; 9 p.m. traditional candlelight worship with Holy Communion. Special music will begin 20 minutes before each worship service.St. John'sSt. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mahoning Valley, 826 Mahoning Drive West, Lehighton, worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday.Youth Party: Cookies and caroling, 5-9 p.m. Sunday. All youth from seventh grade through high school are invited to the home of the pastors in Lehighton, 313 Iron St. for cookie baking, and then go out and do some cookie deliveries and Christmas caroling. RSVP to Lisa Moyer, Pastor Chris or Pastor Allison. All are welcome.Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24, worship and holy communion, 4, 7 and 10 p.m.Bethany E.C.Bethany E.C. Church, 222 North St., Sunday worship, the Rev. Jeff Stansbury, pastor.Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. with classes for all ages, including adult Bible study class; morning worship 10:45 a.m.; evening worship, 7 p.m.Wednesday: Prayer meeting, 7 p.m.Thursday: Men's Bible study at McDonald's, 5:15 a.m.; choir practice, 7 p.m.Friday: True Women Bible Study & Play Group, 9 a.m.Bethany E.C. Church is collecting only new or laundered, slightly used clothing for infants, children and adult sizes. This is a partnership with St. Peter's Community Resource Center, 177 Main Road, Lehighton. The clothing will be collected at Bethany E.C. Church, 222 North St. at the alley side door. Donated clothing can be dropped off on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m.-noon or Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m.Upcoming events: Bethany's Christmas Eve service, 7 p.m.Lehighton Bethany E.C. is online at
wwwbethanyec.weebly.com. Email:
Bethany@ptd.netContact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or