Published December 17. 2015 04:00PM
Child pornography charges against a Lansford man were bound over to Carbon County Court on Wednesday following a preliminary hearing in front of District Magistrate Casimir Kosciolek in Lansford.
Gary W. Bowman, 54, was arrested in November after the company he hired to store files online reported his activity to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.Police say he admitted to downloading child pornography and storing it on a "cloud" account on his cellphone.Five images apparently raised red flags at the company who maintained that account, Synchronoss Technologies Inc. of Bethlehem. They reported the pornography to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on two occasions during the month of July.NCMEC subsequently turned that information over to the state police's computer crime unit.State police confirmed that an account belonging to Bowman contained 19 pornographic images featuring children under the age of 18. According to police, the images included images of young, nude girls posing seductively and engaging in sexual acts.Based on that tip, police about a month later obtained a search warrant for Bowman's East Patterson Street home in Lansford. He admitted to downloading the images and uploading them to his phone's cloud account. Police also searched other devices owned by Bowman, including a tablet and a cellphone. They were found to contain pornographic images, including some of the images that were found uploaded onto Bowman's cloud account.Bowman told police he searches Google using phrases like "teen nudists" and saves any images he likes."He does not know why he kept the images of child pornography, but acknowledged he knew it was wrong to possess them," Cpl. Peter Salerno wrote in affidavit of probable cause.Bowman remains free on $50,000 unsecured bail.A formal arraignment is scheduled for Jan. 28 at 8:30 a.m. at the Carbon County Courthouse.