'A Christmas Story' is No. 1 Readers chose 1983 classic as their favorite
Ralphie: "I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!"
Mrs. Parker: "No, you'll shoot your eye out."According to a (very) unscientific poll we conducted on Facebook recently, our readers' favorite Christmas movie is "A Christmas Story."The movie stars Peter Billingsley as Ralphie, and Melinda Dillon and Darren McGavin as his parents. Based on the book by Jean Shepherd, "A Christmas Story" was released in 1983. It's become so popular that the house where it was filmed is now a museum and features such props as the infamous Red Ryder rifle and the iconic leg lamp."Watching 'A Christmas Story' is a longtime family tradition for us," said Delta Downs.Jodi Amigh Phillips said, "I've watched it every year since I was a kid!"If you're among the few who've yet to see "A Christmas Story," don't fret. As it has for the past 17 years, the movie will again enjoy marathon status on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It will air repeatedly on TBS and TNT beginning at 7 p.m. Dec. 24. The last airing will be at 7 p.m. Christmas Day.Responses to our Facebook poll covered a wide array of favorite movies, and because there are so many great ones, and in the spirit of Christmas, we counted everyone's favorites, even if they named more than one.By just one vote, "It's a Wonderful Life," starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, came in second place."It's a movie about hope and affirmation, when so many people think we are better off without them," says Linda Morrison."It's a Wonderful Life" was also number one for Janet Conner, who shared a list of all her favorites."Watching these movies were all Christmas traditions," said Conner. "Some were bittersweet and remind me of my mom. I love them all!"There was a tie for third place. Votes were evenly split between "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" and the original version of "Miracle on 34th Street." No other version of the 1947 classic received a vote, which is as it should be.Sheri Ryan agrees."For starters, I love that era and love the prospect of still wondering and believing as an adult," said Ryan. "I still hope to hear the pitter-patter of hoofs on my roof."There were numerous votes for different productions of "A Christmas Carol," from the original movie versions featuring Alistair Sim or George C. Scott to the Muppets, and even Bill Murray's "Scrooged." If we combine the number of votes distributed among the different offerings of the classic tale, Dickens and his ghosts would find themselves sharing the number three slot.Desiree LaDuke is a fan of the 1951 version of "A Christmas Carol.""It's a ghost story and a Christmas story and a story of second chances and redemption. My favorite!" she said.Lysa Grant is a big fan of "Scrooged.""Love his (Murray's) speech at the end about Christmas. I live my life around those words."The two movies that fall into fourth place put Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye up against Bruce Willis as "White Christmas" goes head-to-head with "Die Hard." While this might seem surprising to some, if not downright blasphemous, those who place the action flick at number one are "die hard" fans.Coming in at number five all by itself is "The Santa Clause," which stars Tim Allen. Its two sequels, "Santa Clause 2" and "Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause," also received votes.Tied for sixth place are: "Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas," "Home Alone" and "Love Actually."Other movies worth a mention include:• "March of the Wooden Soldiers" with Laurel and Hardy• "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Clause"• "The Greatest Story Ever Told"• "The Bells of St. Mary's"• "The Bishop's Wife• "Holiday Inn"• "The Christmas Card"• "Year Without a Santa Clause"And last, but certainly not least: "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever."And surprisingly low on the list ...In our poll, "Elf" also came in at sixth, which is surprising for a movie that has an almost cultlike following.Some of the best comments received about why "Elf" is his favorite came from Jean-Paul Paré.He cites the following reasons as to why it's his favorite.1. Will Ferrell knocks every scene out of the park. He is joy, wonder, excitement, and embodies a perfect childlike quality that is essentially Christmas.2. He (Buddy) congratulates a diner for having the Best Coffee in the World, without realizing it's just a marketing slogan. Once again, abundant joy and goodness.3. Every scene is awesome, funny, heartwarming, and builds the narrative of the old curmudgeon that doesn't believe in Christmas finally having a change of heart and believing in Christmas after all. James Caan (Buddy's father) does this wonderfully, and it really is his character that changes the most drastically.4. A blond Zooey Deschanel with bangs. Nuff said.5. Love wins.6. Syrup.7. Say what you will about Scrooge, but this one is a must watch for me every year. And I usually come out of it with tears in my eyes. It's just that good.