Program helps cope with loss during holidays
No matter which holiday you celebrate in December, or if you celebrate no holiday at all, this time of the year can be frantic. Cooking, baking, putting up decorations, buying gifts and all the holiday trappings usually lead to a time of fellowship and joy, sharing time with family and friends.
But, for some, the holidays take on a darker meaning. It's hard to celebrate when you're mourning the loss of a loved one.It doesn't matter if your loss was recent or some time ago, the holidays are not a time of joyful anticipation. It's a time when you struggle to get through each day. Instead of looking forward to holiday parties and family get-togethers, you dread spending time with people, finding it hard to summon even a smile when your heart is breaking.You just want to be alone.But you're not alone. There are many others out there who feel the same way. You might be surprised to find out just how many others are putting on a fake smile, trying to summon the courage to get through another day without their loved one.You don't have to go through the grieving process alone.The nationally known GriefShare program offers help to those dealing with such loss, especially during this time of year. "Surviving the Holidays" is a two- to three-hour program designed specifically to help people dreading the holidays due to their grief.GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. The seminar is led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. Valuable GriefShare resources could help you recover from your loss while looking forward to rebuilding your life.Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church, 223 E. Broad St. in Tamaqua will offer a "Surviving the Holidays" seminar on Dec. 20. The session will begin at 5 p.m. and will include a holiday-themed video session, a voluntary group discussion and helpful tips on ways to deal with changing traditions, social events and ways to discover hope for the future. Participants will receive a Holiday Survival Guide. Anyone grieving the death of a loved one is welcome to attend.The session is nondenominational. For more information, or to register, call 570-668-2520.