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Pleasant Valley Elementary holds tree lighting ceremony

Maybe it was because of the mild weather but the number of families who attended the third-grade chorus concert and tree lighting ceremony at Pleasant Valley Elementary School was quite impressive.

"We set up 500 chairs in here for the concert and we have as many standing as sitting," said Assistant Principal Roger Pomposello."There are still a lot of families having their family photos taken."As the concert wrapped up there were still families pouring into the school to take advantage of the family photos and the fresh baked goods.The tree in front of the school, decorated with ornaments made by the students, was lit at 6:30 p.m.The third-grade chorus was made up of 59 students. The chorus sang "Jingle Bells," "Up on the Housetop," "Joyous Hanukkah," "Deck the Halls" and "Peppermint Candy Cane."

The third-grade chorus of Pleasant Valley Elementary performed Monday night at the lighting of the school tree, which was decorated with ornaments crafted by students. JUDY DOLGOS-KRAMER/TIMES NEWS