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Congress backs 5-year transportation bill

WASHINGTON - After years of stymied efforts to address the nation's aging and congested highways and transit systems, Congress found the sweet spot for passage on Thursday - a 5-year, $305 billion bill laden with enough industry favors, parochial projects, safety improvements and union demands to gain overwhelming support.

The bill was approved 359 to 65 in the House, and 83 to 16 in the Senate. The bill now goes to the White House for President Barack Obama's signature.The bill boosts highway and transit spending and assures states that federal help will be available for major projects. It doesn't include as much money or last quite as long as many lawmakers and the Obama administration would have liked. Nor does it resolve how to pay for transportation programs in the long term.Despite that, the 1,300-page bill was hailed by industry and public officials as a major accomplishment that will halt the cycle of last-minute short-term fixes that have kept the federal Highway Trust Fund teetering on the edge of insolvency for much of the past eight years.Lawmakers in both parties praised the bill as a model of bipartisan cooperation and an important step forward.One hallmark of the bill is the creation of new programs to focus federal aid on eliminating bottlenecks and increasing the capacity of highways designated as major freight corridors. The Transportation Department estimates the volume of freight traffic will increase 45 percent over the next 30 years.A big shortcoming in the bill, though, is how it's all financed. The main source of revenue for transportation is the trust fund, which comes mostly from the 18.4-cents-a-gallon gasoline tax, which hasn't been raised since 1993. But raising the gas tax is viewed by many lawmakers as too politically risky.To make up the shortfall, the bill uses about $70 billion in mostly budget gimmicks, including one that would move $53 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank's capital account to the general treasury.Among the bill's losers are large banks, which would receive lower dividends from the Federal Reserve, with the savings used for transportation programs. It also directs the sale of 66 millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to raise $6.5 billion. The catch is the sales don't start until 2023 - three years after the transportation bill it helps pay for has expired.The bill also provides $200 million to help passenger railroads install positive train control technology. It also raises the liability cap on total damages that can be awarded in such crashes from $200 million to $295 million.

The steel skeleton for the eastern end of the new Innerbelt Bridge in Cleveland sits next to the existing span. The House on Thursday voted in favor of final passage of a 5-year, $305 billion bill that boosts highway and transit spending. Senate action is expected to follow shortly. AP PHOTO/MARK DUNCAN, FILE