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No 2016 tax increase for Summit Hill

Summit Hill Borough Council tentatively adopted its 2016 budget on Monday and said there will be no tax increase.

The budget is based on 15.6 mills, including 13.6 for general purposes, 1.5 for streetlights and a half of a mill for fire protection.Anticipated receipts and expenses for the year are $1,491,303.Council member Jesse Walck pointed out that the borough is entering the new year with a $35,634.05 operating reserve.Final budget adoption will occur during the Dec. 28 meeting of the council.In another matter, the council said it will go along with the borough's Water Authority to have the Swift Reach firm provide a service that notifies residents by phone when various situations occur such as snow plowing and broken water lines.The total cost is $1,575 with the two entities sharing the expense.The matter must be approved by the Water Authority.Borough Secretary Kira Steber said she is hoping the notification service will become effective by January.In other matters• The council said it has been advised that Water Authority members will not be able to help the borough plow snow this year.Council members said they have been informed that the Water Authority's insurance carrier won't cover work not specifically done for the Water Department.• Council member Bill Chapman praised the work of part-time patrolman Jason Harrison. "He's a hell of good cop," Chapman said.Billy O'Gurek, a councilman, agreed.• A zoning board hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. Dec. 9 in the borough hall on an appeal from the ReDCo Group to place a group home in the White Bear section of Summit Hill.• The council agreed to allow Chief of Police Joseph Fittos place "pedestrian crossing" signs on Pine Street (Route 902) at the intersections with Ludlow, Hazard and White streets. It's not known when the signs will be installed. Borough workers will have to paint pedestrian crosswalks at those locations.• The borough's Christmas tree lighting program, conducted by the Summit Hill Recreation Commission, will be held at 6 p.m. Dec. 6.• The borough will re-advertise for bids for low-sulfur diesel fuel and heating oil.• Also to be re-advertised will be a request for proposals to close up and clean the Community Center after events are held there. The borough received a resume from someone who was interested, but the council said it also wants an actual proposal on what the person would charge.• By a 5-2 vote, the council agreed to lease a fax device to use with the borough's copy machine from Advanced Business Equipment at the rate of $50 a month for 13 months. The council had the option for the lease or to purchase the item for $600. Council members Walck and Michael Alabovitz were opposed.• An individual on Lehigh Street requested an exemption from paying the annual garbage collection fee because he moved. The council rejected the request because the person has an outstanding bill of $155.• The council said it is looking into changing the borough ordinance regarding street excavation because too many contractors are not properly making repairs after excavation occurs. The proposed changes will be discussed with attorney Michael Greek, the borough solicitor, and possibly advertised next month.• Alabovitz suggested that the borough license contractors who do work in the borough. No action was taken on the matter.