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West End news

Vision programs

Western Pocono Community Library has been hosting the Center for Vision Loss today for three separate programs. A program for children and toddlers is at 1 p.m., a program for adults will be held at 3:30 p.m. and a program for elementary age and teens will be held at 6:30 p.m. Each program is age appropriate and will cover such topics as eye health and safety and will include vision screening.For more information or to sign up for a program, call the library at 570-992-7934.Planet LearnFrom 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Pleasant Valley Elementary School will hold Planet Learn Kindergarten Night.Keep Sunday HolyThis ecumenical group will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Café of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Brodheadsville. Dessert and coffee will be part of the evening. It is the group's quarterly informational meeting.Discussion of the following issues is planned: continued commitment to the West End Fair, upcoming involvement in PVHS Night of Unity set for 6 p.m. Feb. 23, interfaith prayer breakfast for pastors, school board awareness, and continuing to market the group's mission, which is to educate and advocate the importance of Sunday mornings for family spiritual growth.Monroe SeniorsThe menu for lunch for Monroe County Seniors, Chestnuthill site at Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville, is crispy baked fish for Friday. Next Wednesday the center is closed in recognition of the Veterans Day holiday.If the schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Senior Centers will be closed as well.Busy LionessThe Lioness are continuing to sell Mix-in-a-Jar sale, which includes homestyle chicken soup, M&M's oatmeal bar, and M&M's cookie mix-in-a-jar.They will be available from 10 to 4 p.m. Friday at Country Junction, Interchange Road, Lehighton.For additional information about Western Pocono Lioness, contact co-presidents Lioness Cynthia 570-629-1505 or Lioness Georganna 570-620-2472.Rides givenThe Western Pocono Lions have annually taken senior citizens from several nursing homes for a ride in the mountains to see the fall foliage in celebration of World Lions Day.Approximately 40 guests from Brookmont Health Care, Mrs. Bush's, Getz Personal Care and Wesley Enhanced Living community enjoyed the beautiful scenery again this year on Oct. 10 and Oct. 24, as spearheaded by Lion Christopher Sweeney Sr., PCC.The weather was sunny with a clear blue sky and all the guests had a great day outdoors.Vehicle drivers, all Western Pocono Lions members, included: Charles Rush, Tom Kresge, Sharon Sweeney, Donald Gower, Jeff and Linda Hinton, Fred Klein, and Dave Rowan.This program for World Lions Day began 37 years ago through the efforts and commitment of Sweeney. The Lions have provided rides for about 1,500 seniors during this time and the event has given tremendous satisfaction and personal rewards to everyone involved.Bazaar timeSt. Matthew's UCC annual bazaar, bake sale and basket auction will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Kunkletown fire house.It will feature refreshments, delicious baked goods, a soup sale, a Chinese auction and basket raffles.For more information call 610-381-2442.Holiday workshopQuiet Valley Living Historical Farm will host a holiday workshop and luncheon from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.There is a cost for both members and nonmembers.The event is an opportunity to make two crafts and enjoy a homemade lunch of soup, bread and dessert.Call 570-992-6161 with questions or choose the workshops wanted at Quiet Valley's website, workshop page:

http://quietvalley.org/programs/workshops/workshops.htm.New directorySalem-St. Paul's in Kresgeville is getting ready for a new church directory. Pictures will be taken Friday and Saturday.Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or

arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or
