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Penn Forest resident complains of excessive fees

The permit fee for a reverse subdivision in Penn Forest Township is $500. The fee for Carbon County is $250. And the cost for the professional survey cost township resident Joseph Curly $1,200.

Curly addressed the board of supervisors on Monday night, saying that after paying all of the above fees, he received an additional bill for professional services from the township engineering firm, Barry Isett Associates, for $993."Why am I being asked to pay the township's engineer when the township required me to hire my own engineer to do a professional survey?" Curly asked.The township sent Curly a letter informing him that the $500 permit fee would be credited to the bill from BIA, leaving a balance due of $493. The township will not release the approved plans until the bill is settled."We are not going to deal with this, we are going to have you and BIA deal directly with one another and maybe you can work this out," said Chairman Warren Reiner.Greg Pavlick of BIA said that what BIA does is different from what the private engineer does, and that it is BIA's job to make sure that the plan meets all requirements of the ordinance and that what the private engineer did is correct.The two parties agreed to meet to discuss the matter.Also during public comment, resident and candidate for supervisor William Miller addressed a question directly to supervisor Phil Shedaker."Isn't it true that you are going to the police academy and that you are planning to move out of the area?" Miller asked."Are you really wasting people's time to ask me a personal question?" Shedaker's said."I don't have to answer you, but I will," Shedaker said. "Yes, I am training to become a police officer, and no, I am not moving. You really shouldn't listen to rumors."Shedaker made it clear that he lives in the township and plans on remaining in the township for the immediate future.Last month supervisor Christine Fazio had made a motion to hire Lisa Woodring as township treasurer. Monday evening Fazio rescinded her motion due to Woodring's failure to accept the position. A new motion to hire Tammy McMahon was made and passed. McMahon will be paid $15.31 per hour as treasurer.The board also agreed to hire Ralph Graber and Paul Gallagher-Saba as part-time seasonal employees for the winter months. Both have worked for the township in the past. The township is looking to hire one additional part-time laborer. The part-time laborers will receive $15 per hour with no benefits.The supervisors accepted a bid for part-time, on-call snow removal from Pine Ridge Services of Albrightsville. The winning bid was for two dump trucks with spreaders at $120 per hour each.The board also agreed to have BIA prepare the revised plans for the next phase of the recreation park. The plans will be ready for review by the December meeting and will be out for bid sometime in January.Supervisor Judy Knappenberger also raised a concern regarding the billing by Waste Management related to the recycling. According to Knappenberger the change proposed last month by Waste Management is not working in the township's favor, and if not changed it will cost the township a considerable amount more money than was originally planned. In additional Knappenberger pointed out that Waste Management is not recycling glass, either."I think that since Butch (Reiner) is in charge of garbage you need to talk this over with him first and then maybe a meeting with Waste Management is needed," suggested solicitor Thomas Nanovic.Reiner agreed that there was definitely an issue regarding recycling and that they would be contacting Waste Management to discuss the matter.