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Carbon commissioners remain in office

The three Carbon County Commissioners will remain in office to continue their work on the fire training center.

Commissioners Chairman Wayne E. Nothstein, a Republican, was the top vote-getter with 6,362 unofficial votes. Republican Tom J. Gerhard had 5,890 votes, with Democrat William O'Gurek edging out Lehighton School Board member Rocky Arner. Ahner garnered 4,755 votes.

The two Republicans gathered at Gerhard's home in Weatherly for their celebration.

Gerhard said, "We did the same thing again. Now we are three for three in three election night parties at the house. When the Times News and TV 13 asked where we would be, I said 'we're going to be at the house again."

Gerhard added, "We dealt with a lot of adversity. But we kept it clean, kept our heads held high. I'm very thankful for everyone who voted for us, who supported us financially.

Nothstein said, "I thought about retiring, but I have some projects I want to complete. We're getting things done, the three of us. It takes time, but I feel that we're finally getting somewhere."

He added, "We want to congratulate Bill (O'Gurek) on a hard fought victory. We look forward to working with him the next four years."

O' Gurek was emotional as he told about 75 supporters in the Hilltop Community Center in Summit Hill, during his victory speech, "I'm here with a heavy heart. I said if I was going to be successful, it had to be do to great family and great friends. I dedicated this night to you, great family and great friends, and I love you very, very much."

He said afterward of his victory, "I'm pleased. I very happy. I'm excited to be going back to Jim Thorpe to represent the people of Carbon County as I have the past 12 years. I couldn't have done this without the wonderful family and great friends who were with me since the beginning of the year."