Proposed St. Luke's facility tabled for now
The new medical office/clinic planned for the site of the former Brodheadsville Inn at the corner of routes 209 and 715 in Chestnuthill hit a bit of a snag at Wednesday night's planning commission meeting.
"These Lot Line Adjustment/Consolidation Plan shows a number of lot consolidations and common uses," said solicitor Timothy McManus. "But I know that some of these are by agreement and there has been nothing recorded. These plans show two 12-foot alleyways, but no joinder."I can't see how this plan can move forward without these issues being clarified," McManus said.McManus said he is aware of some agreements between the owners of the adjoining property, meaning Kresge's Funeral Home. But nothing has been put in writing. In addition he was unable to verify that the alleys are owned by the current property owner and not an easement that may have been retained by a previous owner.McManus said there are also some old parking easements that exist granting parking rights to the fire company. He is unaware if any of those rights had been extinguished.The project engineer did request that the commission approve the planning module for the septic so that they could request approval at the next board of supervisors meeting.The builder wanted the septic module approval so that it could be submitted to DEP for review, which often takes a long time to complete.McManus did not feel comfortable with the request. McManus said the attorneys working on the title search were a good firm and he believed that they would have the issue cleaned up before the next planning commission meeting.The commission agreed to table the request until next month.Rogue Audio Inc. also came before the planning commission for two conditional use approvals.Rogue already has a manufacturing facility on Marian Lane, where they manufacture high-end amplifiers and audio systems. It has outgrown its current space and is under contract to purchase an acre and a quarter on Jenna Drive in the township.The proposed Jenna Drive facility will be 6,000 square feet and will house about 13 employees.The conditional use requests are for light manufacturing and for two additional parking spaces.The planning commission voted to recommend approval. The item will be on the next board of supervisors meeting agenda.