$15,000 increase sought for law firm
The sale of Schuylkill County's nursing home closed in September, but commissioners at a public work session Wednesday requested the board of commissioners approve an increase in the contract cap with Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott LLC, by $15,000 to cover current and future expenses in connection with the sale of Rest Haven.
The move brings the amount the county will pay the firm to $286,654.Commissioners hired the Harrisburg law firm in August 2014 for $250,000 to handle the sale.They decided in August 2014 to sell Rest Haven after funneling about $2 million a year into its accounts to keep the home operating.The home sold to Investment 360 of Lakewood, New Jersey, for $10.9 million.In other matters Wednesday, commissioners approved an increase in the contract cap with Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC by $5,700 to cover additional expenses in connection with the 2014 county single audit.They also approved a $24,350 annual maintenance agreement for Cisco SmartNet hardware and software services for the county's phone system.That's $1,690 more than last year's agreement, said county administrator Mark Scarbinsky."The new contract includes the software version upgrades, whereas last year's contract did not include software upgrades," he said.The pricing was obtained through the state COSTARS program, which means commissioners did not have to seek bids.The work session opened with commissioners presenting a proclamation declaring Oct. 23-31 Red Ribbon Week in Schuylkill County.The week is designated to increase awareness of the impact of substance abuse."There are more deaths, illnesses and disabilities from substance abuse than from any other preventable health condition," said Commissioners' Chairman Frank J. Staudenmeier."Substance abuse affects the whole community, and is not just an individual problem," he said.County Drug & Alcohol Program director Melissa Chewey and Schuylkill County Restrictive Intermediate Punishment case coordinator Kathy Repsher were on hand for the presentation.The next commissioners' public meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the commissioners' board room.Commissioners hold meetings at night twice a year.