Northern Lehigh School Board
Northern Lehigh School Board on Monday also conducted the following business:
Accepted the resignation of Nicholas Bachman from his position as special education instructional aide at the middle school.Accepted the resignation of Timothy Hauck from his position as Spanish teacher at the senior high school, effective June 15.Accepted the resignation of Kim Keiser from her position as assistant to the food service director, effective July 30.Accepted the resignation of Kate Pluchinsky from her position as emotional support teacher at the senior high school, effective July 23.Accepted the retirement resignation of Rick Eckhart from his position as middle school art teacher, effective June 16. Eckhart will begin his retirement from the district after 34 years of service.Appointed Sarah Hill as senior high school Spanish teacher, at a salary of $55,250, effective Aug. 24, pending verification of missing personnel file items. Hill will replace Tim Hauck, who resigned.Appointed Mary Frank as half-time middle school art teacher, at a salary of $23,100, effective Aug. 24. Frank will replace Rick Eckhart, who retired.Appointed Jennifer Balliet as Peters Elementary School music and kindergarten specials, at the substitute teacher rate days 1-30; day 31 and beyond, $46,200, effective Aug. 24, with a termination date on or about Nov. 20. Balliet will replace an employee on maternity leave.Appointed Michelle McCormick as Peters Elementary School second-grade teacher, at the substitute teacher rate days 1-30; day 31 and beyond, $46,200, effective Aug. 24, with a termination date on or about Jan. 22, 2016. McCormick will replace an employee on maternity leave.Appointed Gregory A. Dieter as senior high school emotional support teacher, at a salary of $55,550, effective Aug. 24, pending verification of missing personnel file items. Dieter will replace Kate Pluchinsky, who resigned.Appointed Jacqueline Schuck as middle school cook's helper, at a salary of $9 per hour, 2.5 hours per day, five days per week, up to 180 student days per year, plus additional cleaning days as needed, effective Aug. 24, with a 60-day probationary period that ends Oct. 26, and pending verification of missing personnel file items. Schuck will replace Ann Marie Belo, who was transferred to the high school.Approved the administrative transfer of Angela Henninger from full-time Slatington Elementary School cook's helper to full-time Slatington Elementary School head cook, at a salary of $18.34 an hour, effective Aug. 24. Henninger will replace Jayne Hamm, who retired.Approved the change of status for Ann Marie Belo from 2.5 hours per day as middle school cook's helper to four hours per day as the high school cook's helper, with no change in salary, effective Aug. 24.Approved the change of status for Kimberly Ruland from four hours per day as high school cook's helper to 5.5 hours per day as Slatington Elementary cook's helper, with no change in salary, effective Aug. 24.