Published August 10. 2015 08:37PM
Lansford police and Carbon County Animal Shelter are looking into a deceased dog that was found dumped on the west end of the boroughearly this week.
According to various reports, the canine, possibly a rottweiler mix, was stuffed into two garbage bags and dropped in the woods along West Abbott Street, near the Panther Valley football stadium.
"I think the whole situation was unfortunate for the poor dog, said Carrie Marrero, who lives right near where the dog was found and had smelled something foul in the air for the last few weeks. "It makes you wonder if or what kind of foul play there might have been involved for someone to have gone about things the way they did. They could have at least dug a hole and gave the dog a proper burial."
Sgt. Jack Soberick said that the decomposed animal may not be a criminal matter.
Theories include the pet passing away and the owner not having the money to properly cremate it or was unable to bury it.
Tom Connors, director of the animal shelter, was called and helped clean up the remains.
According to the shelter's Facebook page, due to the length of time the dog was there, the sex or cause of death were not able to be determined.
The shelter staff has since taken it to be cremated.
Anyone with information regarding the incident should call the shelter at 570-325-4828 or Lansford police at 570-645-5844.