Published July 27. 2015 04:00PM
Carbon County officials are recognizing Americans with disabilities.
During the county commissioners' meeting on Thursday, the board adopted a resolution naming July 26 as Americans with Disabilities Act Day in Carbon County.The resolution states, "On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. The ADA prohibits discrimination in the areas of employment, state and local government, transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications."The Anthracite Region Center for Independent Living has been a community based, consumer controlled nonprofit corporation since 1990 and the mission of ARCIL is to 'enable people with disabilities to live as independently as possible' by providing services such as information and referral, advocacy, skills training, and peer support."The commissioners asked all residents to recognize the 25th anniversary of the ADA and commended the ARCIL on its 25th anniversary of providing services and assistance to those with disabilities.In other matters, Commissioner Thomas J. Gerhard reported that the Carbon County Animal Shelter raised $1,040 through its annual yard sale last weekend. Additionally, three dogs were adopted.