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Jim Thorpe police will get e-ticketing

Writing a traffic ticket is going to get a lot easier for Jim Thorpe police. In fact, it won't involve writing at all.

Police Chief Joe Schatz said Thursday the department will install an e-ticketing system in three of its vehicles using $4,000 from the Policeman's Ball account.The equipment includes a laptop, scanner and printer."When an officer pulls a vehicle over, they can scan the driver's license and run the ticket off from the printer," Schatz said. "All the filing is done right through that system to the magistrate."The e-ticketing system is taking off around the country, he said, but smaller departments are having trouble finding funding for the startup costs."Fortunately we have the Policeman's Ball account, and this will be at no cost to the taxpayer," Schatz said. "This is a great thing for us as our officers won't have to spend extra time sitting on the side of the road writing out a ticket."