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Garbage collection fees to increase in Chestnuthill

Jack Johnson of Panther Waste addressed the Chestnuthill board of supervisors regarding the need for an increase in garbage collection fees.

"On Jan. 1 of this year the fees for tipping increased significantly for Monroe County," Johnson said. "In the past private haulers negotiated their own rates; this year Monroe County Solid Waste Authority negotiated the rates with Waste Management, and the tipping fees increased by $10.75 per ton.""I have been in this business for 20 years and have never seen an increase like this," Johnson said. "In the past maybe 50 cents one year, some years no increase at all."Township manager David Albright told supervisors the existing contract with Panther Waste permits the hauler to request an increase and that any increase in fees would need to be approved by the supervisors."We tried to work with this as long as we could, but it's gotten too tough. The residents are going to have to pay more, and that's not what we wanted to see," Johnson said.The new fees will be:• Bags up to 16 gallons will cost $1 per bag• Bags larger than 16 gallons up to 45 gallons will still cost $2 per bag• Bags larger than 45 gallons will cost $4 per bagPanther Waste also agreed to pay the township $58 per month for the high-speed Internet service that will be used with the new security cameras which will be installed at the transfer station.The new rates will go into effect on August 1.New shedThe supervisors awarded a contract to Richard Pierce Builder Inc. for a new equipment shed to be located behind the township building. The award was for $248,920.43. The new building will be 60 by 100 feet and will contain 60,000 square feet of storage space.The township plans to use the building to house various pieces of equipment and supplies that currently sit outside. The money for the building will come from the capital improvements fund.The township received a second bid from Kistlers Builders that was $25,000 higher.Township applies for grantsOn June 29, the township held a special meeting to authorize Albright to take the steps necessary to apply for a Greenways, Trails and Recreation Grant of $47,800 to be used for the construction of a handicap accessible parking area, trail and fishing pier on the Silver Valley Park property.In addition, Albright was granted approval to apply for a grant for $15,970 to be used to purchase two radar speed trailers and two radar traffic counters. The intent is to place the radar counters on different roads throughout the township to measure the speed of passing cars. The information obtained by the radar will then be turned over to the state police to determine which area roads might require additional speed enforcement efforts.Alert systemChestnuthill Township has set up an alert system that will automatically text out emergency messages, community event information and road work notices. Residents should check the township's website to get information on signing up for the alerts.