Pocono traffic patterns
The Pennsylvania State Police will put special traffic patterns into effect to help motorists attending the AXALTA "We Paint Winners" 400 NASCAR race on Sunday at the Pocono Raceway in Long Pond.
The entire weekend will bring many race fans to the Poconos. Motorists should expect higher traffic volume and possible delays not only on Route 115 and I-80, but also on State Routes 209, 940 and 903. Those who normally use Route 115 to travel through the area should consider using I-80, Route 33, Route 209, and the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike as alternate routes.On Sunday, June 7th, the following traffic patterns will be in effect:* Prior to the race, Route 115 from Interstate 80 to the raceway will be converted to two lanes and will be one way southbound. This conversion will be put into effect at approximately 8 a.m. and continue until all traffic has entered the track grounds.* Following the race, Route 115 from the raceway to Interstate 80 will be converted to two lanes and will be one way northbound, until the raceway parking lots are cleared. Traffic will not be allowed to travel south on Route 115 south of Interstate 80. This conversion will take place with 25 laps remaining in the race.* Stoney Hollow Road has been designated a no parking and tow away zone from Long Pond Road to the Interstate 80 overpass. It will be properly posted and enforced. Any vehicle in violation will be removed at the owner's expense.* Following the race, the Route 80 eastbound off-ramp at the Blakeslee exit (Exit 284) will be closed to traffic.* Traffic coming south to the race in the two lanes of Route 115 will be required to enter specific parking areas. Motorists should take note of signs posted along Route 115 and travel in the appropriate traffic lanes for their desired parking area.* Likewise, outbound traffic traveling north will face similar signs with lane restrictions for Interstate 80 and Route 115 access.