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Coaldale honors veterans

JARRAD HEDES/TIMES NEWS Retired U.S. Army Major Gerald New delivers a speech during Sunday's Memorial Day service at the Seek Veterans Memorial in Coaldale.

Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Nick Paraschak can't remember too many living veterans from his hometown.

In fact, the 93-year-old who served during World War II at the Battle of the Bulge can only recall two, both classmates of his who graduated in 1942.On Sunday, Paraschak read the names of 20 veterans from Coaldale who died since Memorial Day 2014 during two services sponsored by the Coaldale United Veterans Organization."You don't have to turn on the television to see a veteran," said retired U.S. Army Sgt. Michael Vigoda, who served as master of ceremonies. "We have them right here in Coaldale."Guest speaker retired U.S. Army Maj. Gerald New, senior instructor of the Panther Valley High School Junior ROTC, gave a brief history of Memorial Day including the two dozen cities and towns claiming to be the birthplace of the holiday. It was first widely observed on May 30, 1868, to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers.Today, Memorial Day extends beyond the men and women who have served in our nation's military."We also remember those who we have lost from government organizations like the CIA and FBI, local police and firefighters, and those men and women on the flights of 9/11 who never served a day in the military but died defending this country and what is right," New said.New singled out Coaldale natives Captain Norman Louis Nesterak, who died in Vietnam in 1969; Sgt. George Lucash, who died on Japan's Mount Suribachi; and Pvt. Joseph Herring, who died during the Civil War while serving with Company H of the 11th Pa. Infantry."These are not just names on a plaque," New said. "They were someone's friend, family or neighbor. There is a lot of history right here in Coaldale and we are here today to remember those who fought for our freedoms."New retired from the U.S. Army after 20 years of service in September. His significant assignments included the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, Second Infantry Division, Republic of Korea; Troop Commander of the 1/16 Cavalry Squadron, Fort Knox; Adviser to First Brigade, Saudi Arabia National Guard; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and Chief of Training, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis/McChord, Washington.The first of Sunday's services was held at the Seek Veterans Memorial with the latter ceremony at Coaldale Veterans and Women's Memorials.In his comments, directed at the few youth in attendance, Coaldale Mayor Joel Johnson expressed concern about the younger generation's perception of Memorial Day."The greatest threat to our nation is not inflation, terroristic threats or the stock market," Johnson said. "Our children do not know how to be patriotic or have the sense of what it is to be a true American. Each morning school children repeat the Pledge of Allegiance at school, but too often it becomes a repetitive exercise with little or no meaning."Sunday's events drew heavy participation from students in the Panther Valley School District including high school students Zachary Gilbert and Noah Easterly.Gilbert sang the national anthem while Easterly read the popular poem "In Flanders Field," penned by Canadian physician Lt. Col. John McCrae during World War I.Mark Christ directed the Panther Valley High School band through several patriotic musical selections.The Panther Valley Junior ROTC cadets fired three rounds in honor of Coaldale's fallen heroes and taps was played.Pastor Elisandra Garcia, of United Methodist Church in Coaldale, gave the invocation and benediction.