PathStone Head Start volunteers honored
It was a day to acknowledge the volunteers who have uplifted the spirits of PathStone Carbon County Head Start children.
The volunteers were recognized at a volunteer luncheon Wednesday at PathStone Head Start's Lehighton center in the Lehighton Borough Annex.The event honored the hard work and dedication of 43 parents and community volunteers who worked with children enrolled in the Head Start, Early Head Start, and Pre-K Counts program.The parent and community volunteers provided 13,800 hours this year in the Lehighton center, planning and manning special events for the children, helping in the classroom, chaperoning field trips and serving on various committees.Viki DeMarco, family services manager, said there are 110 children enrolled in the Head Start program, 42 in Early Head Start, and 15 in the Pre-K Counts program at the Lehighton center.The program began with a welcome from Chris Mizenko, education manager.Kim Whitney, family service worker, then presented a slide show of the volunteers as they participated in activities throughout the year.That was followed by remarks from Head Start classroom instructors Jane Ryder and Libby Kratzer, as well as Early Head Start instructors Rebecca Renninger and Kristy Hahn.Afterward, the volunteer recognition ceremony was held, at which time the volunteers received a certificate for their efforts.Volunteers honored were Dale Ahner, Becky Altemose, Kim Balliet, Dale Biegley, Erica Biegley, Nicole Biegley, Lisa Brownmiller, Trisa Brownmiller, Liz Campbell, Jenn Costenbader, Shelby Crowley, Mary Lou Davis, Sara Dotter, Melanie Dunwoodie, Bobbie Jo Eck, Donna Eck, Lisa Fritz, Patti Garey, Chris Glass, Jessica Hartman, Stacey Hartman, Valerie Hartman, Christina Johnson, Heather Keys, Lisa Kleppinger, Janda Kolek, Laura Kroboth, Richard Listopad, Franca Loy, Amanda McLean, Mike McLeod, Nicole Meester, Ashley Neff, Bianca North, Gene O' Brian, Lindsay Ondusko, Jennifer Plummer, Melissa Rahn, Merissa Rahn, Angela Remaley, Tiffany Schumacher, Cassandra Shafer, Jean Sickels, Christina Smith, Jessica Wagner, Amber Wirth and Matt Wirth.A gift raffle and lunch followed.DeMarco urged parents to sign their children up for the 2015-16 school year.Registration will open soon for the next year, said DeMarco, who noted it fills quickly.Through Head Start, the children receive a variety of free health services, including vision screenings, health screenings, lead screenings, speech therapy, dental van, and parents also have access to other information for budgeting help, mental health issues and other information to improve family dynamics. Legal advice is also available.