Published May 05. 2015 09:36PM
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Incident Management Team was called in to assist the Weiser Forest District with management of the Pipeline 1 wildfire incident. ÃÂ The wildfire was first reported at approximately noon on Sunday In the area between the Francis E Walter dam and Jack Frost Ski Area in Kidder Township.
The Bureau of Forestry personnel responded to the fire and made very good suppression efforts until wind increases and gusts caused increased fire behavior and fire spread on Monday afternoon.
Aircraft support has also been provided by helicopter with water bucket from Penn Forest and fixed wing water tankers from the tanker base, located in Hazelton.
ÃÂ On Tuesday, there were 61 personnel assigned to the fire. ÃÂ Presently, there are approximately over 540 acres of area burned.
DCNR would like to remind anyone who may be travelling close to the fire area thatÃÂ there is increased traffic, especially fire vehicles, please slow your speed and be aware of slower moving vehicles; if recreating nearby, be aware of changing weather conditions, especially increased winds that could cause an increase in fire behavior and finally, unless absolutely necessary, please try and avoid travelling into the burn area.
DCNR advises all residents to be very careful with any outdoor burning at this time.
Until there is measurable precipitation to the area, fuels are very dry and can easily ignite and become an uncontrolled wildfire which could potentially destroy property, resources or more importantly lives.