Panther Valley news
Methodist church donationsThe Meed's Methodist Church will be hold a rummage sale and will accept donations on the following dates: 1 -5 p.m. April 26; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 27; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 28; and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 29.The sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 2 at the church basement.OMEGA screeningThe Nesquehoning Woman's Club will once again sponsor its OMEGA Health Screen from 7 to 9:30 a.m. April 25 at St. Francis of Assisi Church basement, 140 W. Mill St. in Nesquehoning.The cost is $55 with blood tests for preventable diseases and self-scoring health and lifestyle evaluation. Call 800-776-6342 to preregister.Summit HillSpring cleanupSummit Hill Borough has announced its spring cleanup dates.On May 4, the east side of town along with Knepper's Trailer Court and East and West White Bear Drive will be picked up. May 5, will be the regular trash pickup. On May 11, the west side of town along with Laurel Drive and East and West Mountaintop Road will be picked up. May 12 will be the regular trash pickup.Items to be picked up include: tires (no more than five), tire rims, auto body parts, refrigerators, freezers, vending machines, dehumidifiers, water coolers, heat pumps, washers, dryers and stoves.All items shall have all chemicals removed and doors taken off. Freon must be removed from refrigerators, air conditioners etc. and tagged or they will not take them.In addition, up to 10 bags of garbage will be collected.No electronics, such as televisions, computers, monitors etc., will be picked up at this time.Miller-Keystone bloodmobileSt. Joseph's Catholic Church in Summit Hill will host a Miller-Keystone Bloodmobile from 2-7 p.m. today in the St. Joseph Church Social Hall.Donors are needed.To sign up to donate blood, call the parish office at 570-645-2664 or visit to create your donor profile and schedule an appointment. St. Joseph's sponsor code is 5028.