Published April 10. 2015 04:00PM
Lansford Borough Council has preliminarily approved, pending final revisions suggested by solicitor Michael Greek, an agreement with a collection agency.
The agency of Powells, Rogers and Speaks will attempt to collect over $100,000 of outstanding debt to the borough.President Martin Ditsky said, "The outstanding debt is well over $100,000 in delinquent fees for sanitation and sewer fees."Councilwoman Mary Soberick said, "The sewer fees are for sewer transmission services."While they are attempting to increase the revenue stream for the borough, Council also approved expenditures to repair their street sweeper and dump truck with an estimated total repair bill of $6,839.Additionally, Barry Isset and Associates still has not provided supporting documentation requested to clear up questions about billing statements. The firm will not receive payment for services. Soberick made a motion to "hold payment for the Barry Isset and Associates bills listed for payment."The total amount withheld is $9,192.Council voted on Wednesday night to give the lifeguard positions a raise. Like many other local municipalities, Lansford is facing a shortage of certified lifeguards.Councilwoman Rose Mary Cannon said, "The county raised their lifeguard wage to $10 per hour since they didn't have enough last year."The wage previously was $8.50 per hour. Soberick made a motion to increase the wage for the borough's lifeguard to $10 per hour. Council members unanimously agreed to the increase.In other personnel matters, council agreed to hire Matthew Williams as a part-time police officer for the borough. This is contingent upon his successful completion of the final background and remaining testing required.