Published March 25. 2015 03:21PM
Slatington 150 History Committee
Due to overwhelming demand, the Slatington 150 History Committee will do a limited reprinting of its recently published book, "Slatington at 150 Years: More Stories To Share."The initial printing of 500 books has sold out, and many people have already expressed interest in purchasing more copies.Those interested in purchasing a copy of the book should send a check for $50 payable to Slatington 150 Committee and mail to Slatington 150 Committee, P.O. Box 151, Slatington, PA 18080.Those living out of state or not within driving range to pick up their books are asked to add $10 for shipping and handling. Please include a contact phone number with your order.Orders mailed in must be postmarked by March 31 to be included with the orders for the book reprint. The books will be printed in April, with a late April delivery expected.This will be the only and final reprint of this history book. Interested people are urged to purchase their copies at this time.For more information, contact Candyce at 610-767-4795, or check the group's Facebook page, Slatington 150 History Committee.