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No more snow citations in Lehighton this season

No further citations will be issued to Lehighton residents for the rest of the season with regard to the borough's snow parking ordinance.

After an executive session Monday, borough council on a 6-0 vote agreed to refrain from issuing tickets in relation to the odd-even parking regulations. Councilwoman Helen Torok was absent.As part of that decision, council authorized the borough to meet with the committee and get some opinions on how to review and improve the ordinance, borough Manager Nicole Beckett said.Last month, council agreed to amend the time change in the ordinance with regard to the odd-even parking regulations that went into effect immediately after its adoption.The ordinance council approved last month states that vehicles are to be moved to the appropriate side of the street between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.Other changes to the revised ordinance are as follows:• On even-numbered calendar days, parking is permitted on the even-numbered side of the public street or right of way. This means parking is prohibited on those days on the odd-numbered side. Once the snow has been removed or pushed back to the curb, parking on the even side of the street will be permitted.• On odd-numbered calendar days, parking is permitted on the odd-numbered side of the street or right of way. This means that parking will prohibited on these days on the even-numbered side of the public street or right of way. Once the snow has been removed or pushed back to the curb, parking on the odd side of the street shall be permitted.• Time of change for the purpose of the ordinance will be from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. On even-numbered days, vehicles shall be moved to the even-numbered house side by 7 a.m. and not moved back until 4 p.m. unless snow has been pushed back. On odd-numbered days, vehicles shall be moved to the odd-numbered house side by 7 a.m. and not moved back until 4 p.m. unless snow has been pushed back.• A $50 fine will be imposed, and/or the vehicle will be towed, at the owner's expense for violations, effective upon council's adoption of the ordinance, which took place Feb. 23.