Published March 14. 2015 01:35PM
There were beads to match to colors denoting each digit of Pi, reading projects in pizza pie boxes, a tasting to determine which local pizza place makes the best pies, all culminating in a pie-in-the-face for Lehighton Area School District officials at the Pi Day Academic Festival Saturday.
The festival was held in the high school cafeteria and drew dozens of children and their families, many of whom sported Pi Day T-shirts that bore the Greek symbol representing 3.14159, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and the likeness of renowned physicist Albert Einstein, who was born on March 14,1879.According to tasters, the top three pizza makers of all in the district were Pizza Como in the number one spot, Two Kings as second, and Alfies as third favorite.Saturday was extra special in that it was March 14, 2015 --
3.14.15, a sequence that happens only once in every 100 years.
CHRIS PARKER/TIMES NEWS Lehighton Area School District math teacher Andrea Boyer fastens a bead bracelet onto the arm of Marcello Outlaw, 6. Marcello received the bracelet after successfully matching beads to the same color denoting each digit of Pi.