Published March 11. 2015 12:42PM
BLOOMING GROVE, Pa. (AP) - Alex Douglass ran a 50-mile ultra-marathon last year. Now he's learning to get around on an artificial hip.
Six months after a sniper's bullet shattered his body, the Pennsylvania State Police trooper has undergone 15 surgeries to repair the damage - and a 16th is on the horizon.
Lt. Christopher Paris is Douglass' boss at the Blooming Grove barracks. He says Douglass is "doing as well as can be expected."
Thirty-one-year-old Eric Frein is charged with opening fire outside the barracks on Sept. 12, hitting Douglass in the pelvis and killing Cpl. Bryon Dickson.
The alleged gunman led police on a tense 48-day manhunt through the northeastern Pennsylvania woods before U.S. marshals caught him outside an abandoned airplane hangar.