Summit Hill president ousted from position
Summit Hill Borough Council elected a new president Monday night.
Jesse Walck, who had been president for the past 14 months, was ousted from that position during an impromptu reorganization meeting.Named the new president was Vice President Michael Kokinda, a former council president who Walck defeated for the presidency in January 2014.John O'Gurek was named the new vice president. Bill Chapman was elected president pro tem.The action occurred during a special meeting of council called primarily to discuss changes of two ordinances, one involving snow plowing and the other pertaining to handicapped parking privileges. The meeting was also for general purposes.At the onset of the meeting Councilman John O'Gurek made a motion that the council reorganize and Chapman seconded it. It passed 5-0 with O'Gurek, Chapman, Bill O'Gurek, Kokinda, and Michael Alabovitz voting. Absent besides Walck was council member Gregory Kosciolek.John O'Gurek made a motion nominating Kokinda for the presidency and Bill O'Gurek gave the second. This also was a unanimous vote.About 25 people were in the audience and applauded at the change of the presidency."Is that for me or the guy I'm replacing?" asked Kokinda.Bill O'Gurek nominated John O'Gurek for vice president and Chapman made the second. It was another unanimous vote.Bill O'Gurek also cast the nomination for Chapman to be president pro tem, while John O'Gurek signaled the second.Borough resident Jim Szczecina addressed the council, stating, "I thank all five of you who listened to what the people of this town so desired."Szczecina said he hopes the town can return to the status it previously enjoyed, saying, "It's very difficult when a government is ruled by agendas and personal vendettas."Another borough resident, David Hiles, said he agrees with Szczecina and told the council, "This is the first step you can take in straightening our town out."At last month's council meeting it was reported that Walck had changed committees and took John O'Gurek off the street committee. He had served on the committee for a long time.Council member Bill O'Gurek confronted Walck, saying he felt that Walck's ouster of John O'Gurek from the committee was a revenge tactic.John O'Gurek had accused Walck of purchasing wood to build a salt shed without the rest of the council's approval.Under Walck's presidency the borough's indebtedness decreased and a small decrease occurred in property taxes this year.Walck will remain on council.His term is up at the end of this year and he has not indicated if he will seek re-election.He has announced his candidacy for Carbon County Commissioner on the Democratic ticket.