Rush Township focuses on delinquent trash bills
Rush Township is sending the big dogs to take a bite out of delinquent trash bills.
During a meeting Thursday, the supervisors hired Portnoff Law Associates, Norristown to handle all delinquent trash accounts, which total about $60,000. The yearly trash fee is $180.Some residents questioned the possibility that liens will be generated on two properties which recently changed hands with the prior owners owing delinquent bills. In each of those cases, the title search company failed to discover the delinquent bills since no prior liens existed.According to township solicitor Chris Reidlinger, state law requires that the lien attach to the property, regardless of ownership. Chairman Shawn Gilbert said the supervisors would more thoroughly investigate those cases.Portnoff is a fully staffed law firm that specializes in collection of delinquent municipal user fees and real estate taxes. In Schuylkill County, they have also been hired by four school districts, Panther Valley (split), Saint Clair, Shenandoah and Tamaqua, and also the Schuylkill County Municipal Authority. In Carbon County they represent Panther Valley (split) and Lehighton school districts.Resident Charlie Shamonsky asked why the township doesn't publish a list of delinquent trash accounts in the newspaper, as Lansford recently did. Reidlinger said it's his opinion that it is not legal, and referenced federal case law.In other action the supervisors:• Ordered a 2016 Freightliner truck to haul leaves and branch chips. Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger obtained a $65,000 grant toward the purchase of the recycling truck, which will cost the township about $95,000.• Hired three part-time season drivers, Marc Conner, Dave Ceci and Richard Brown, to fill in as needed for snowplowing, at $15 per hour. They also hired two part-time police officers, Lucas Fox and Brigdon Odhner, also at $15 per hour.•Accepted the resignation of part-time secretary Caitlin Whildin, who has taken a full-time job elsewhere. The township is advertising the position.• Sgt. Duane Frederick thanked an anonymous donor who paid $1,500 for new bulletproof vests for the police department. Frederick said the donation is appreciated, since the vests must be replaced every five years.• Approved a $21,544 for 12 sewer grinder pumps for the Lake Hauto sewer system.