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Lehighton residents urged to reduce energy use Friday

As subzero temperatures continue to linger, Lehighton residents are being asked to reduce their energy consumption this Friday.

Borough officials have asked customers to voluntarily reduce their electric usage Friday from 7-9 a.m. Borough officials explained that while its local electric grid is strong, they want to take every opportunity to reduce costs for the borough's customers.That time frame is expected to be a time of high or peak energy usage, which is when electric utilities experience the highest prices."If we can conserve energy during these hours of peak energy demand, it will help the borough control the costs our system experiences in the future costs that our customers bear," said borough Manager Nicole Beckett.Beckett said customers can take simple conservation steps, such as shutting off lights when not needed; unplugging small appliances and electric chargers (especially those with small lights); set the thermostat as low as comfortable; cover drafty windows; turning off televisions, computers, radios and other electronic devices when not being used; and doing laundry and other household chores requiring electricity during hours other than 7-9 a.m."As a community-owned electric system, it is important that we work together to keep our electric rates as low as possible," she said. "Our customers have the opportunity to make a difference in their system and their rates by conserving energy during peak periods. We will issue alerts when we anticipate periods of high energy usage this winter."